
Sunday 18 August 2013

Tiramisu soup

Curd cheese 4 ounces
Cream cheese 8 ounces
Icing sugar 4 tbsp heaped
Fresh cream whipped 8 ounces
Grated chocolate 1 cup
Coco powder to dust
Sponge cake of 2 eggs
Ingredients Coffee liquid
Coffee 2 tbsp leveled
Water 1 cup
Sugar 2 tbsp
Beat both the cheese together with icing sugar till smooth and coffee liquid 2 to 3 tbsp, fold in half cup of fresh cream whipped and ¼ cup of grated chocolate in small individual serving bowl spread 1 layer of sponge, cut with cutter into round, soaked with coffee liquid, spread with cheese mixture, put second layer of cake, drizzle with coffee liquid, then cheese filling, put the 3rd final slice of cake, again drizzle with coffee liquid top with whipped cream, decorate with grated chocolate and dust with coco powder. Serve chilled.


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